Sunday, January 15, 2012

God's Healing Light

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I woke up in the middle of the night catching my breath. I couldn't breath regularly. It seemed a lump blocked my heart valves. At first I was only dreaming. However, I awoke into the harsh reality that something was really wrong with my breathing. I tried to normalize my breathing until I felt a little better. I again went back to sleep.

The following day I still felt weak and the lump seemed to be still there. I still went on with my usual activities. In the afternoon I gave time to meditate on God's healing light. I asked for His healing, feeling His light within my chest. I felt his light in every cell of my heart. It was so beautiful. Minutes later I felt better.The lump seemed to be dissolved. My breathing became as normal as the sea breeze.

Thank you God. 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Keeping the Candle Aglow

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More often I am swayed away from achieving my goals and dreams. It is not because I am sloppy or undirected, but because I am too much absorbed by all the responsibilities I am facing daily. I am just thankful other people who seemed to be ordinary could sometimes shed their light on me making me realize I, too, need to keep my candle glowing.

Just today I saw the light of a friend. Thank you God her light rekindle the flames within me.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Morning Worship

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God is always present in our lives. He puts us to sleep and wakes us up in the morning. It is just proper for us to think of Him first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

I used to do this when I was still single. But when I got married and started to have kids, my focus shifted to taking care of my babies first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I could hardly utter good morning God and goodnight God. And when the stress is so severe I forgot everything and achieving a deep sleep is a paradise. But I am just a person with soul and spirit longing to connect to its Maker. I could say I had been an effective baby caretaker. Sadly, the responsibility mad me forget to keep my life balance stay afloat. I could be at my best, yet mostly at my worst. Not only am I the only person who suffer from my lack of life balance, but also my family whom I always come into contact with. Thus, I vow to strengthen my connection to God because it is also one of my goals to bring my family closer to God.
And this morning, I feel so wonderful. I was able to talk to God a little longer last night, and at last thought of Him and prayed to Him first thing this morning.

Thank you God!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Theme Song

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Today I focus on singing for the Lord. Not in singing vocally but singing in my heart. My mind could not always stay focused on God because I have so many things to do. Yet, my heart does. It helps a lot just listening to Christian music. Thus, while I am in the monitor working I always listen to Christian songs from the internet. This is my only way of doing it. It really helps lighten my feelings.

The theme song God and I have now is Power of Your Love by Hillsong. My heart even sings until now.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I Love You Jesus

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Today I focus on my mind.

I read an article of Tess Marshall in The Bold Life yesterday. One of her tips in overcoming fear and living life boldly is to not believe in my thoughts. She said, "Drop your negative thinking and lack of faith in yourself or it will continue to snowball. Train your mind to create positive expectations. Learn to expect the best."

Well, I admit my mind had been trained to think negatively with me unaware of it. I only realized it to be when the consequences of my words and actions were negative. I have tried as much as I can to think positively. To my desperation, it was so hard to do. I always fail. I'm only good in the first one minute and after that my mind would wander to it's old habit of thinking negatively.

This morning upon waking up I tried to form another habit that may replace my old thinking habit. I focused on Jesus. I kept on repeating these words, "I Love You Jesus." It sounded simple, yet focus to me is a little harder. I just treated myself gently. I allowed myself to wander for a second or more and led it back again. This is my first time of doing this. If I do this every morning, I know it would be much easier later.

Yeah, it sounded like a mantra -- but a very effective mantra that would work for me and help me a lot if I do it everyday, step by step.

 So Jesus please help me.

I Love You Jesus. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Just A Minute For Today

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I always want to talk to God. I always imagine that someday I'll be that super close to God the way I used to do. And then everything in my life would be alright. Suddenly realized I am just wishing and wanting to talk to God heartily. God seems to speak to me, 'Hey my daughter, do not wait for that someday. If you really want to be closer to Me start today. Just give me a minute of your time today. I am not asking for more because I know you are busy. Just a minute today.'

And yeah, a minute for you today Lord, I will give. Thank you.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

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In this healing session with God, I need to start from zero. There are so many available suggestions in the internet, the "how to's". Only that I need to ignore them because I believe it's the situation that we guys have to consider and not just follow what so and so are doing.

On my part I need to start with prayer. I love to pray 1,440 minutes a day until my body will respond to it naturally. And everything that I do would be guided by prayer.

As of today, I am cleansing my mind with christian music. I need to cleanse this haunted mind first before I could fill it with thoughts of God. I am doing this in my workplace where I spend eight hours of my waking state.

Heal me God. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Realization

I've started my day with guilt. Yes, I am carrying guilt because of what I have done this morning. I verbally hurt my loved one. I am physically and mentally stressed the past few days. Eventually, it has taken it's toll on me and marred my relationship.
I declare I need healing.