Friday, January 13, 2012

Morning Worship

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God is always present in our lives. He puts us to sleep and wakes us up in the morning. It is just proper for us to think of Him first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

I used to do this when I was still single. But when I got married and started to have kids, my focus shifted to taking care of my babies first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I could hardly utter good morning God and goodnight God. And when the stress is so severe I forgot everything and achieving a deep sleep is a paradise. But I am just a person with soul and spirit longing to connect to its Maker. I could say I had been an effective baby caretaker. Sadly, the responsibility mad me forget to keep my life balance stay afloat. I could be at my best, yet mostly at my worst. Not only am I the only person who suffer from my lack of life balance, but also my family whom I always come into contact with. Thus, I vow to strengthen my connection to God because it is also one of my goals to bring my family closer to God.
And this morning, I feel so wonderful. I was able to talk to God a little longer last night, and at last thought of Him and prayed to Him first thing this morning.

Thank you God!

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